What Is That Growing On My Roof?

What Is That Growing On My Roof?

Vancouver Roof Moss
Algae and Moss Growth on a Tile Roof

Identify what grows on your roof

Moss, black algae, green algae, fungus, lichen, mold, mildew. Identifying what exactly is growing on your roof can at times be difficult given all of the options. We have made this guide to help you differentiate exactly what growing up there. All of these organisms affect your roof in different ways, and certain ones are more likely to grow on different types of roofs. All of these can be removed and eradicated with our proprietary moss removal, and roof cleaning procedure.

Moss – Grows on Asphalt, Tile, Cedar, and all others. You will notice it growing along the edge of your shingles/tiles. Overall, moss is the most damaging thing that grows on roofs.

Algae – Grows on all types of roofs. You will notice it coat the shingles, black algae will appear as streaks on the roof, whereas green algae will form in more consistent coatings.

Fungus – grows primarily on Cedar shake roofs. One of the many things that will infest cedar, it typically grows on the end of the shakes.

Lichen – Grows on cement tile, as well as asphalt shingles. Lichen can be bright white or vibrant yellow in color and is typically found on ridge caps. Lichen can be quite damaging, although it rarely spreads from the ridge caps.

Mold & Mildew – Can grow on all roof types. These typically grow in only the moistest places.

With all the different infestations that can grow on your roof, having a treatment that completely disinfects the roof is extremely important. For all your roof cleaning needs, trust the experts at West Coast Moss Removal.


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