A Checklist for Summer Roof Cleaning

A Checklist for Summer Roof Cleaning

Full-on summer is nearly here. Higher temperatures, high winds, beating hot sun, and even heavy rainfall. Now is the perfect time to run down the list of maintenance measures you should take to make sure your roof is ready for summer weather.

Now is your chance to get out there and see what happened over the winter. You may know how to identify developing problems but repairing them yourself may be another matter. Noticing any problems while they’re small may also be tough, you may need someone with a trained eye, so you can address them before they become worse.

With the help of a professional, you can create a maintenance checklist to address before summer is in full swing.

Roof Maintenance Checklist

  1. Inspection: Winter can do a lot of damage to your roof. Between the heavy rain, wind, and snowfall, it needs close examination when the weather starts to permit. If there are potential issues, they should show up at this time. It might need repair, or it might need to be replaced, this is the time to assess. Some problems are easy to spot, others can be tough to catch like flashing, eaves, valleys, penetrations, and chimneys. This isn’t just repairing from last winter; this is about preparing for several more.
  2. Repair: Winter and summer weather in Canada has a similar effect on roofs as it has on many materials. Fluctuations in temperature can expand and contract, causing shingles to become malformed and brittle, causing them to crack and break. Then there are the hailstorms. Hail can cause massive loss of granule, along with bruising and puncturing. Strong windstorms can blow shingles right off, especially if they were not installed properly. A professional and honest assessment cannot only identify damage but help you avoid it moving forward. We know how to guide you through insurance claims and help you determine your eligibility.
  3. Gutters: It’s easy to miss until you see the waterfall. Not only can leaves and pine needles clog drainage, but seeds can also sprout roots making it even more difficult, even causing ice dams the following winter. Gutters should be cleared of leaves and debris so that rainwater doesn’t overflow next to your house. Water must be directed away from the house foundation.
  4. Flashing and Penetrations: Flashing prevent water from entering your home. Make sure to carefully inspect the flashing around vents, and chimneys to make sure they are properly sealed. If your flashing is damaged, you need to repair it quickly to avoid risking internal penetration problems. Caulking around skylights, vents, and chimneys is essential for keeping the water out.
  5. Eaves: At the bottom of your sloping roof are the eaves. These overhangs are a favourite place for bird nests and bug hives. Although many nests are harmless, they should be removed. Be sure to call an exterminator.
  6. Cut Tree Limbs: Summer storms can bring down limbs and other debris onto your roof. Trimming surrounding trees makes it less likely for them to break off in the wind and fall. Tree debris like leaves and twigs can clog gutters quickly. Also, branches coming into contact with your roof can scrape off valuable surface material from the shingles, so make sure all branches are away from your roof.

Make Sure Your Roof Gets a Professional Clean

Contact West Coast Moss Removal to learn more about how to get your roof professionally cleaned, inspected, and ready for summer. Get the most life out of your roof. Fill out a brief confidential online form for a FREE quote.

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