Top reasons why mold & algae grow on your roof and how to get rid of it?

Top reasons why mold & algae grow on your roof and how to get rid of it?

The lush green landscape of the Pacific Northwest has drawn visitors to this little slice of paradise for hundreds of years. Over time an increasing amount of these visitors have decided to call Vancouver and the surrounding area home, and it should be no surprise as to why! Vancouver has a lot to offer, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. As the premiere Vancouver roof cleaning service, the experts at West Coast Moss Removal are all too familiar with the challenges of roof cleaning in such a demanding environment. Whether you are a new local homeowner or are simply curious about roof cleaning challenges in Vancouver, below are some of the main reasons why mould and algae can grow so readily on our roofs and what you can do to get rid of them!

Why do mould and algae grow so well on roofs in Vancouver?

There are a variety of reasons that contribute to the productive nature of mould and algae growth on Vancouver roofs. To begin, roofing materials themselves provide the perfect environment for mould and algae to breed and grow. These organisms prefer damp and dark environments, and in between and underneath roofing material is the perfect place to call home.

Now that algae and mould have identified a quality location for their home, they can start to grow. Because roofs are constantly exposed to sunlight – especially in the summer months – these organisms have a nearly limitless supply of energy to continue growing and reproducing. The leaves, twigs, and other organic materials that gather on roofs also provide nutrients to mould and algae.

Lastly, the water run-off from roofs creates a perfect avenue for transport so that mould and algae organisms can continue to spread from their humble beginnings to their ever-growing rooftop penthouse.

Vancouver Roof Cleaning Before
Metal Tile Roof with Heavy Moss and Algae

What can I do to prevent or eliminate mould and algae growth?

As the leading roof cleaning company in Vancouver, our experts are here to help with algae and mould growth no matter how severe. The best thing you can do on a regular basis is schedule routine roof cleaning to keep it free of debris. By maintaining a clean roof you are eliminating a major entry point for algae and mould to take hold. Similarly, trimming branches from any overhanging trees and shrubs is a great way to help mediate the amount of organic matter available to algae and mould for feeding. By tackling these two tasks, you can largely avoid having to hire a roof cleaning company.

If these tasks have not prevented algae and mould from growing on your roof, it may be time to call the Vancouver roof cleaning professionals. Experts can install ventilation systems on your roof, which will create a cooler and drier environment less hospitable to algae and mould. Additionally, professionals like those at West Coast Moss Removal can treat your roof with chemicals to kill any present mould and algae and reduce the odds of further growth.

Spring cleaning season is here, and there is no time like the present to give your home a full top-to-bottom makeover. When it comes to your roof, the experts at West Coast Moss Removal are here for you. Whether you noticed mould and algae buildup over the winter, had a preexisting problem, or anticipate increased growth with the upcoming nice weather give our professional staff a call today!

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